
Showing posts from February, 2015

Stand Firm: Serving God is not a Disney Story

Some people believe that because they are serving God they should not witness any opposition, they believe everything should and would be smooth sailing but unfortunately,serving God is not a Disney story  Whenever we are moving the kingdom of God, we will face opposition from the Prince of Darkness. This may be in form of anyone or anybody even a well meaning individual. When God raises you up, you can trust people to try to tear you down. The Bible says " we do not wrestle If you are not ready to face opposition for your obedience to God, you are not ready to be used by God. Think about this! As in the story of Daniel. Do you think Daniel knew that standing strong in God and refusing to worship the King Darius would lead to him being one of the biggest bible heroes for centuries over. Daniel just did what he was used to doing which is pray and worship God in his actions and everything he did. Even in the face of opposition, he prayed! Kneeling to pray is what gives you the stren...