Fear Not!
As Christians we do not need to live in constant fear in assumption that something terrible may happen to us. For nothing can happen to us except our heavenly Father wills it and maybe, just maybe God doesn't even permit those fears we have in our lifetime, but we cannot know until the moment comes (or never comes), So we must live in the confidence of God's protection everyday, every moment of our lives. "Fear not" is written in the bible 365 times. That means at all times, everyday of our lives we are to live without fear. Sometimes in our lives we face challenges that are so unpleasant that at that moment it is difficult to believe that God has permitted such trial to come our way. Let us refer to Job's story (Job 1vs. 12), here God gives satan permission to try job. Also in Luke 4: 14-31 when Jesus preached in Nazareth and was almost pushed over a cliff but passed right through the crowd because His time had not yet come, in other words God ...