Don't underestimate the seed God put in You!
Don't underestimate the seed God put in You! Everything has a seed. I have come to understand that seeds carry all the power. Seeds are small, they look dormant, they can't talk, can't walk but they are not dead. They are very much alive!. A seed is termed a non living thing but it has the potential of bringing forth life. The seed of a baby begins when the mans sperm fertilizes the woman's egg.It takes at least 3 months for the mother to begin to feel the movement of the baby. Seeds can overcome a lot of challenges. A human seed though fragile goes through a whole lot but it survives and becomes a baby. A tiny seed put into the ground will break forth even though the ground is hard. Seeds break through from rocks to grow. The seed that God has put in you is greater than your opposition and your challenges! Your seed is powerful!. God did not give us a seed that is easily crushable. You may be from a poor background,your life may be full of challenges but Don...