The Only Impossible Thing
Do you know it's impossible for God to lie? Everything is possible in our world because we have seen things we thought were impossible become possible. That's why there are a lot of mysteries that we cannot explain. The only thing that is surely impossible is that God cannot lie. When He gives a promise, you have a rock solid guarantee because God cannot break His word. If God makes you a promise , you bet it's a guaranteed one. I don't know about you but our world is always changing, people are changing, people who you considered good and holy start to disappoint the trust you have in them, even the sun and the skies are not trustworthy. A steady ground that you have so much faith in to hold you firm starts to quake, waters that you used to swim in start to overflow their banks and destroy lives and property. Your Father as much as he loves you cannot even keep his promise. The only sure thing I know is God and so I run with my whole life towards Him. I gr...