When Ordinary Things become Worship!
When Ordinary Things become Worship! We all have routines! Waking up, preparing the kids for school, school run, work, house chores, cooking, running errands for our boss,reading, watching tv,gardening e.t.c. We all have activities that consume our days. Some activities are routine, some are occasional and are all ordinary. These ordinary everyday activities pile up into weeks, months and years of ordinary activities which eventually makes up an ordinary lifetime. These ordinary activities are what our lives are made off as ordinary as they are. These ordinary activities are what we are going to held accountable for in the presence of God! God says we should put Him first in all things. " So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything to the glory of God." 1 Col: 10:31. These ordinary activities make up the "everything" God is asking us to Glorify Him with. Imagine putting God first while doing ordinary house chores, while working in the office, in...