
Showing posts from August, 2015

When Ordinary Things become Worship!

When Ordinary Things become Worship! We all have routines! Waking up, preparing the kids for school, school run, work, house chores, cooking, running errands for our boss,reading, watching tv,gardening e.t.c. We all have activities that consume our days. Some activities are routine, some are occasional and are all ordinary. These ordinary everyday activities pile up into weeks, months and years of ordinary activities which eventually makes up an ordinary lifetime. These ordinary activities are what our lives are made off as ordinary as they are. These ordinary activities are what we are going to held accountable for in the presence of God! God says we should put Him first in all things. " So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything to the glory of God." 1 Col: 10:31.  These ordinary activities make up the "everything" God is asking us to Glorify Him with. Imagine putting God first while doing ordinary house chores, while working in the office, in...

Find Your Crusade!

Find Your Crusade!  At this very moment, there are people in hospital who are in pain; some families do not know where their next meal is coming from; some people are grieving because a loved one just died, some are in emotional pain because their relationships are disintegrating, and there are people with overwhelming health challenges. People are in dire situations and they want a way out. Millions are looking for fulfilment but they do not know how to get it. In trying to find satisfaction, they try to get more money, acquire many material possessions, some eat and drink excessively, while others acquire more sexual partners. Unfortunately, these acts do not give lasting satisfaction. Jesus met a woman at the well in Samaria and struck up a conversation with her. When He told her about the Living Water, she was very interested. However, Jesus was trying to draw her attention to the very core of her life. He showed her that this earthly life only gives temporary satisfaction; non...

Jesus in Your Boat!

Jesus in Your Boat If I am with Jesus, there shouldn't be a storm.Christianity is not a playground but a battle ground. It is Warfare! Smooth life is a distortion of the gospel. We will face problems and pain but it will never sink you because Jesus is in your boat. Don't ever let the presence of a storm make you doubt the presence of God.  The storm will rock u but it will not sink you. You are in d storm with His presence and for his purposes. It was Jesus's idea for disciples  to get to the other side. So Jesus knew there would be a storm.They were not in the storm because they were out of Gods will but because they were in Gods will. James1:2-4 In psalm 23: David understands that the presence of God is always with him " though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil for thou are with me, thy rod and thy staff. Thou comfort me..." You are in middle of a test, why does a good teacher test you? So u can move to a new level.Sometimes...