Find Your Crusade!

Find Your Crusade! 

At this very moment, there are people in hospital who are in pain; some families do not know where their next meal is coming from; some people are grieving because a loved one just died, some are in emotional pain because their relationships are disintegrating, and there are people with overwhelming health challenges. People are in dire situations and they want a way out. Millions are looking for fulfilment but they do not know how to get it. In trying to find satisfaction, they try to get more money, acquire many material possessions, some eat and drink excessively, while others acquire more sexual partners. Unfortunately, these acts do not give lasting satisfaction. Jesus met a woman at the well in Samaria and struck up a conversation with her. When He told her about the Living Water, she was very interested. However, Jesus was trying to draw her attention to the very core of her life. He showed her that this earthly life only gives temporary satisfaction; none is permanent (John 4). Most people cannot correctly identify that it is fulfilment they are looking for but when they experience it, they recognise it.

You will experience lasting fulfilment when you find alignment with what God had in mind before He brought you to this world.  Your fulfilment is tied to your purpose. Majority of us do not find our purpose because the sin nature has birthed self-centredness in us. Unfortunately, your life is too small to be the reason why you are on earth. In order to find your purpose, you will have to step out of your “bubble” – your comfort zone. Inside this bubble, our focus is on our self (Proverbs 11:24). When we are unfulfilled, there is a tendency to give in to anger and frustration. In this state of mind, when we have issues with others, we believe they are the ones with the flaws (James 4:1-3). Shifting your focus away from yourself helps you to understand other people’s behaviour better. The people who hurt us the most have issues they are dealing with. Hurting people hurt people. When we understand people better, we have the capacity to bear with them. Jesus and His disciples had divergent solutions to solving the problem of hunger; the disciples wanted to send the people away but He took responsibility for feeding them (Mark 6:35-44). Helping others requires that we accept more responsibility. When you focus on yourself, you notice your lack of ability and resources but when you look out for others, you will solve a problem for someone. Then, start from helping one person instead of trying to take on the problems of the whole world simultaneously. Until you get out of your bubble, you will not find the relationships and resources God has provided. The purpose of power is to help others and to cancel the prevalent inequality. You are not on earth to feed your selfishness.

In order to find your crusade, have goodwill towards all men and wish others well. Secondly, use your opportunities, no matter how small, to make life better for others. Lastly, set up non-profit and profit-making platforms that will give you a voice. Whatever your business is, make it a crusade; don’t just work to earn money.

Written by Sam Adeyemi


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