
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Best 2019 Resolution! Be Wise!

They saw a sign "a mysterious light", they didn't disregard it, they studied and chose to truly find out what, where and why.  Like Abraham, they did not at first where they were going, but they followed the guiding star which led them on their way. To seek, they had to relocate. They had to move their minds, change their itinerary, rearrange their priorities, create the time to seek,restructure their focus, fuel their camels, restock and re-engineer their plans and projects. They had to sacrifice their time and effort. How wise are we? We see signs of Christ, signs of the hand of God, signs that indeed there is a Creator, signs that Jesus came and died but then as a generation. We disregard, we treat as insignificant, we criticize and make shallow the things of God. Are you truly wise?  Are you taking the time to seek? Have you decided to seek? Are you determined to seek? "Seek and You shall find". Matt 7:7 But wi...

Unto You Was Christ Born! Celebrate Jesus

"For unto us" a child is born! Why was the child born? For your sake. What will the child be called? Wonderful Counselor: That's His name. He counsels you and guides you. Who is He? The mighty God that was born just because of you! Just for you! He came for you! What is His relationship with you? He is your Everlasting Father. Not your earthly father that has a few days but an Everlasting Father. A forever one. He is your Father,  your children's father, your grandchildren's father, your descendant's father to the last generation. What does He bring to you? Peace. He brings what he has the most in abundance to you. He brings you peace. Abundance of Peace! Peace overload! Peace in all situations. This is because He is the Prince of Peace! Celebrate Jesus! Unto us was He born! He came for me. I treasure you Lord! #Kachispeaks

We are Imperfect! Get Rid of Offenses

  One thing that is certain of humanity is the existence of offenses. We are all different, we think, talk,  walk,  perceive, receive, react and approach situations differently.  Offense is a sign that we are uniquely different. The stories of Christians who have cut off relationships, moved from one church or group to another are uncountable. History is littered with such stories. A lot of people make life-altering decisions based on offenses. Offenses can pile upon each other until even the original offense is forgotten. “Also do not take to heart everything people say, lest you hear your servant cursing you” (Ecclesiastes 7:21). Wise King Solomon advises that we should not take seriously everything people say about us, and that is true whether it is good or bad.  We might wish that everyone liked us and spoke highly of us all the time, but that is unrealistic. No one can go through life without having to face personal criticism of some type in some way. God k...

Choose to Overlook Offenses

*I Choose NOT To Be Offended* "A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense." Proverbs 19:11 (NIV) This verse tells you that you can choose to look past their words and not receive them with an offended heart." It adds to your glory when you overlook offense. In reverse it dims your glory when you focus on an offense. What Glory you may ask.. 1) the glory of God in your life. You represent Christ better when you overlook offenses 2) Your own personal glory . You are more beautiful to God and to people around you when you overlook offenses. 3) Your glory will draw people to you not push people away 4) People are more comfortable around beauty than ugliness so they will be more comfortable around you 5) How can you win souls for Christ if your attitude puts people away? 6) You will keep moving from relationship to relationship, group to group, from one circle to another.  7) You will not find Favour with God and man.  Has anyone ever ask...