The Best 2019 Resolution! Be Wise!
They saw a sign "a mysterious light", they didn't disregard it, they studied and chose to truly find out what, where and why. Like Abraham, they did not at first where they were going, but they followed the guiding star which led them on their way. To seek, they had to relocate. They had to move their minds, change their itinerary, rearrange their priorities, create the time to seek,restructure their focus, fuel their camels, restock and re-engineer their plans and projects. They had to sacrifice their time and effort. How wise are we? We see signs of Christ, signs of the hand of God, signs that indeed there is a Creator, signs that Jesus came and died but then as a generation. We disregard, we treat as insignificant, we criticize and make shallow the things of God. Are you truly wise? Are you taking the time to seek? Have you decided to seek? Are you determined to seek? "Seek and You shall find". Matt 7:7 But wi...