We are Imperfect! Get Rid of Offenses


One thing that is certain of humanity is the existence of offenses. We are all different, we think, talk,  walk,  perceive, receive, react and approach situations differently.  Offense is a sign that we are uniquely different.

The stories of Christians who have cut off relationships, moved from one church or group to another are uncountable. History is littered with such stories. A lot of people make life-altering decisions based on offenses.

Offenses can pile upon each other until even the original offense is forgotten.

“Also do not take to heart everything people say, lest you hear your servant cursing you” (Ecclesiastes 7:21).

Wise King Solomon advises that we should not take seriously everything people say about us, and that is true whether it is good or bad. 

We might wish that everyone liked us and spoke highly of us all the time, but that is unrealistic. No one can go through life without having to face personal criticism of some type in some way.

God keeps in perfect peace those whose eyes are stayed upon Him. 

Isaiah 26:3

Humans are weak imperfect creatures.  You inclusive!  Extend grace ...


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