Monday 27 May 2013

You Must Develop Patience

Make sure that your endurance carries you all the way without failing, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.


When you and I say to God, "Change me," we better know what we're saying because we are not just going to wake up different the next morning. Instead, what God is going to do is give us an opportunity, through opposition, to grow as we change.

James 1 tells us how important it is to have patience when we're changing and facing opposition. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit that only develops and grows under trial, and it's something we need. Scripture tells us that when we have it, we're perfect and entire, lacking nothing. However, there's just no way to get it without going through something to receive it.

If we really want to be victorious Christians who serve God and make a difference in the world, then we are going to have to go through some challenging things. The devil will try to scare you off, but God can see you through any challenge.

So today, choose to let God work through you, even in the face of opposition. As your patience grows and develops, you will step into a life of great victory.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I want You to change me, and I know that means I'll have to go through challenges. Give me Your strength to endure and be steadfast when I'm going through trials so I can have patience and be fully developed in Christ.

Credit: Joyce Meyers

Written by Kachi

1 comment:

  1. Our level of spirituality determines our level of tribulations and temptations and this forms foundation for change....if we don't make changes to overcome certain temptations,we keep on falling and so as long as trials and tribulations come....there is a need for change
