Call Yourself To Order!


Indeed Aristotle said: “I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is the victory over self”

Most people cannot control their weight, appetite, temper, emotions sleep, etc, and they blame the devil for that. You do not always blame the devil as a solution to problems.

For example, concerning, food you make up your mind and say things like, “ I will begin a diet plan”, Concerning your Spouse, believe and say things like : “ I will NEVER beat or disgrace my wife” or “ I will NEVER be disrespectful to my husband again.”

 These are acts from your God- given powerful human will. You must believe that by the Grace of God, you can do all things. You can stop adultery and fornication! Flee!

You can become slim again, if you so desire! As the demand for ANOINTING SERVICES grew worldwide, I deliberately began to shed my weight by regular swimming exercises because, I know that the best “Drug” to keep fit is physical exercise!

Oh, control your food intake and discipline yourself to exercise regularly! Remember what made Adam/Eve to lose their inheritance in the garden? Food! What demoted Esau? Food! Heaven is calling you to order today.

Whatever you cannot control in your life and ministry is a disorder. Become your own governor and president! It is known that women add weight during pregnancy, but the real test is after delivery.

Most women become fat, shapeless and unattractive after delivery. Reject this! You can look sweet for your husband and for better marital bliss. Arise, grab discipline and put your life and ministry under control.

Dear pastor, you can close your services on time. Cut away all unnecessary things and you will experience a new move of God. 1 cor. 14:40 declares : “Let all things be done decently and in Order.”

Note :IN ORDER! Bring your life to Order; Follow the Bible-in –one-year plan at the back of this booklet by force. If you have not finished your bible once, you are not a serious believer at all.

Do you know that you can finish the Bible in 52 hours non-stop? It takes discipline! Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. And always remember: Servants of Christ must be masters of themselves! learn and win!

PRAYER POINTS: take your best worship song to your God now.

-Repent from past laziness, indiscipline and procrastination.
-My Father, my Father, help me as I decide to organize and control these areas of my life     whether the devil likes it or not (Mention them now).
-Satan must hear this; I shall not sacrifice my success on the altar of laziness, lack of emotional discipline, laziness or procrastination in Jesus name( Pray it seriously now).

Pray seriously on any other matter(s) concerning your life and ministry progress. Pray about today. Cancel a broken promise

Written by Uju ( Stella )


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