
Are You Missing Out?

  A question I ask myself sometimes is "What things am I missing out on without knowing?". Something in me is calling out for much more.  When God created Eden, it was a lush garden paradise, a land of delight, there were all kinds of beautiful trees, so much gold, pearls, onyx, and lots more. It was so beautiful far beyond what we could imagine. God then placed Adam in this paradise and said "My good friend, I am handing this paradise over to you to manage, you can enjoy and manage as you see fit but do not eat from the tree of good and evil".  And just like that, little old Adam was in charge of the most beautiful paradise. Now I notice Adam did not ask for this paradise. God just felt he needed this kind of paradise. God is like "This kind of paradise is the best for my little Adam". lol😅 Adam did not ask for Eve too. God is like ...hmmm! " my little Adam seems bored and lonely, let's give him a nice surprise" The  Lord  God said, “It is

Quick Express Answers From Heaven

 I imagine that as a Mum, if I sent my daughter to the supermarket, I would arm her with a shopping list, phone, cash or credit cards for payment, directions to the store and whatever information I believe would aid her in fulfilling the task. If she gets stranded on the way back from the store or gets into any form of trouble, once she makes a plea call to me, I will be quick to move and make speedy efforts to resolve whatever challenges she may be facing.  However, if I get a sudden call for plea from my daughter who should probably be in school or at home telling me that she is stranded and needs help. First I would be confused, querying why are you there? Why didn’t you tell me you were going there? Where exactly are you? What exactly happened? Then I would probably start trying to figure out how to resolve her challenges. It would be way more difficult than the first scenario because it was unexpected. Thinking about this scripture makes me wonder and then finally realize that God

Give Your Worries Some Food

Have you ever seen yourself grow? As soon as you finish eating your body just “grows grows grows” like Mario in Nintendo 🤣. One day though you realize that you have grown fatter, and taller. Clothes and shoes do not fit anymore. That’s because you were eating. We eat every day. When kids are young, we feed them every day knowing that the food will bring about a good change in their bodies i.e. growth. We make meals every day routinely, it sort of becomes a necessary habit. We never ask ourselves how the growth happens? When does the growth happen? Which location will the growth happen? In the bathroom? On the road? In the School? On the bed? 🤣🤣🤣. We just know that it happens and the result shows over time. Jesus said “  I am the bread that gives life! No one who comes to me will ever be hungry. No one who has faith in me will ever be thirsty.” ‭‭John‬ ‭6‬:‭35‬ ‭CEV‬‬ Since Jesus is the bread of life, give your life worries some bread. Give your worries a lot of Jesus. How about we

God , Science and the distance between 0 and 1

I have never heard that a scientist created something out of nothing. Everything we see on earth was created out of something. That something was created by God. That's what makes God the Omniscience. He is the Chief Scientist because He can do what no man can do. God can also make something out of the nothingness in your life. He is expert at this. A mighty Converter that can converts all things nothing to something. The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” Psalm 14:1 One thing Science with all the breakthroughs and development cannot solve is the distance between 0 and 1,  between nothing and something. It's time to understand that your knowledge is limited. Believe what you want but a wise person should search and be sure there is no God before you submit yourself to scientology. And when you find that He is. Follow Him and his truth like your life depends on it because it truly does. That I believe fire cannot burn me will not stop fire from bu

Nature,Organic,God! .

You wonder why we love Nature and all its goodness? Well it's because we know the creator of nature. There are traces of God in every living thing. His thoughts, ideas, inspirations and even His breath is in every living thing. Scientists are still yet to discover a lot of the goodness. There's so much they don't know yet. There is so much they are just discovering. That thing you are calling weed in your backyard may be the cure to cancer or the next undiscovered illness.  Scientists will keep discovering and discovering new things about nature every day until the end of this world. More than 10,000 years after creation. They are still yet to learn a lot! When the bible says "God looked at everything He made and said, it was very good" ."Gen 1:31. He said "Very Good". He was not joking. He meant it as we can still see and are still seeing. I trust God's vision more than man's.God is not a man that He shoul

New Year Resolutions with Christ

It's a new year! Filled with lots of promises. Pregnant with blessings. We are making new year resolutions, thinking of ways to do things better.  Making plans to improve and sowing the seed for a fruitful harvest. Considering ways to improve our relationships with our loved ones, eat right,  live right,  do right. Point is we enter the new with a happy feeling that "Yes we will get it right this year" It's seed sowing time! The question though is "Are we thinking of how to work the works of God? We all know everyone has a purpose. That purpose is tied to our creator because only the Manufacturer know exactly how he created a device to function and what He has installed in it to enhance its capabilities. In this new year as we resolve, Resolve to work the works of Him that made you, created you, sent you? That's exactly what Jesus did! He came with a purpose and worked the works of Him who sent Him? May the Holy Spirit guid

The Best 2019 Resolution! Be Wise!

They saw a sign "a mysterious light", they didn't disregard it, they studied and chose to truly find out what, where and why.  Like Abraham, they did not at first where they were going, but they followed the guiding star which led them on their way. To seek, they had to relocate. They had to move their minds, change their itinerary, rearrange their priorities, create the time to seek,restructure their focus, fuel their camels, restock and re-engineer their plans and projects. They had to sacrifice their time and effort. How wise are we? We see signs of Christ, signs of the hand of God, signs that indeed there is a Creator, signs that Jesus came and died but then as a generation. We disregard, we treat as insignificant, we criticize and make shallow the things of God. Are you truly wise?  Are you taking the time to seek? Have you decided to seek? Are you determined to seek? "Seek and You shall find". Matt 7:7 But wi