New Year Resolutions with Christ

It's a new year! Filled with lots of promises. Pregnant with blessings.

We are making new year resolutions, thinking of ways to do things better.  Making plans to improve and sowing the seed for a fruitful harvest. Considering ways to improve our relationships with our loved ones, eat right,  live right,  do right.

Point is we enter the new with a happy feeling that "Yes we will get it right this year"

It's seed sowing time!

The question though is "Are we thinking of how to work the works of God? We all know everyone has a purpose. That purpose is tied to our creator because only the Manufacturer know exactly how he created a device to function and what He has installed in it to enhance its capabilities.

In this new year as we resolve, Resolve to work the works of Him that made you, created you, sent you?

That's exactly what Jesus did! He came with a purpose and worked the works of Him who sent Him?

May the Holy Spirit guide and empower you to resolve rightly and fulfill all that you resolve to do.

Happy New 2019!


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