Stretch Yourself
There was a young man who had it rough early in life. One of his most treasured dreams was to become a doctor and to find the cure to a deadly disease.
Unfortunately, his hopes were dashed when his parents died early. He approached an elderly man who encouraged him to rekindle his hopes and pursue his childhood dreams.
He told the man, “By the time I become a qualified doctor I will be forty two years… it’s too long.” The man asked him a simple question: “If you don’t start training now, how old will you be, seven years from time, he would still be forty two years!
So why not fulfill his dream? Never give excuse for not challenging and stretching yourself! there are many things that God has deposited inside you that will not come into full manifestation until you stretch yourself.
Jesus told the man with a withered hand, “Stretch forth your hand.” The instruction was simple. The man could have complained. He could even have abused Jesus, “Are you blind?” Can’t you see that my hand is paralyzed!...”
But the man did not complain. He obeyed Jesus, and did something he had never done in his life. That was how he got his miracle. Somebody said we should NEVER BE AFRAID OF TRYING SOMETHING NEW.
Always remember that : “Amateurs, under divine direction, built the ark, while professionals under human ingenuity built the titanic.” Which one survived adverse and harsh weather?
Robert F Kennedy , said , “ Only those who dare to fall greatly can ever achieve greatly.” No wonder he took man to the moon! Stop calling things impossible You have a God of all possibilities with you ( See Luke 1:37 and Matt 19: 26)
Mk 9:23 says: “ Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that beleiveth.” Declare as many times as led now: “ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE CONCERNING MY DREAMS I REFUSE TO QUIT TRUSTING GOD NOW.”
Resist discouragement and never forget that the rest of your life contains the best of your life! Hold on , look up and move on!
Take song of worship as you’re led
-Pray as you have been ministered to by todays word.
-Father, let every impossibility be turned into possibility concerning the following issues in Jesus amen ( Mention them and pray 3 times seriously today).
-All your problems that have defied every solution, Be located by the finger of God Right now in Jesus name ( Pray this seriously).
-Pray about today seriously and cancel a pregnancy loss.
Written by Stella (Uju)
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