Childlike Faith

And said, verily I(Jesus) say into you,Except ye be converted and become as little children,ye shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven(Matt 18:3)
The uniqueness of a child's innocence cannot be overemphasized as even with distinctive characters,their chain of thought is similar leaving their hope,trust & belief in their parents alone or anyone whom their parents permit.Transformation which occurs at adulthood is expected causing trust and beliefs to be placed in other things.
Similarly,growth is inevitable in our spiritual life but do we discredit the giver of such growth? In emphasis of such need for a childlike faith,we need to accept that we need God's grace to supplement our faith as evident in Mark 9:24-Immediately the boys father exclaimed,'I do believe,help me to overcome my unbelief'(KJV).In another translation- 'I do have faith but not enough,help me to have more'.
Jesus was regarded by the Jews as the 'Poorest King that ever lived' but His humility in all things despite His glorious nature made way for victory over sin and death.Hence,'humility' & 'faith' are expeditious when strongly connected.
Does our spiritual life make us childlike? Does our spiritual life lead us to victory like Christ? Does our spiritual life position us for favor or anger from God? Does our spiritual life make us feel like the only true Christian?

Written by NEDD Ezie


  1. It's indeed important that we posses a childlike kind of faith because in creates room for upliftment from the most High

  2. Humility and faith is the key

  3. Huh! Nedd dats so true! Once faith is applied then everything is possible!!!!!

  4. It's amazing how people ignore the truth. Listen to the voice of truth and find life...

  5. It's amazing how people ignore the truth. Listen to the voice of truth and find life...


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