Building Your Home ( keeping Jesus at the center)


Photo by Werner Kunz

We already talked about the need for us to reach out to others. But a part of the ministry that God has prepared for us is found within the four walls of our homes.

The verse for today is a sobering truth. A woman has the power to destroy her home, or create a dwelling that is beautiful and strong.

The Christian’s home should be a sanctuary to those who live there; a place where people are safe from the seductions of the world, where the weary find rest, the sad find comfort, and where character is formed. The home should be joyful, peaceful, and filled with love.

Does this describe your home? No? Well, It doesn’t describe mine either. Not that often. It is easy to look at our homes, see all the things that are not meeting this standard, and feel discouraged and frustrated. But God has not left us alone and without help or hope in home-building!

But how does a wise woman build a home that is God-honoring and uplifting to those who walk in the front door? Here are two ways.

Build it on God’s Word

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man
who built his house on the rock.”
Mt. 7:24

Like the whole of our spiritual life, to build a godly home means building it on the foundation of God’s word. Such a home will remain strong and healthy even in the midst of storms and struggles. But to do this we must first begin with a little deconstruction–repentance. We must tear down and turn away from all those things we have built in our homes that threaten them. Maybe it is our attitudes, our words, our actions, or the absence of love. Notice I’m talking about us here.

It is so easy to find fault with everyone else who lives in our homes from the behaviour of our children to the attitude of our spouses. But as we focus on the shortcomings of others we begin to become complaining, nagging, critical, and discontented women.  Building a godly home begins with repentance and continues with pursuing godliness.

We’ve all heard the idea that the woman sets the tone of the home. There is much truth in this. Therefore we need to examine ourselves and where we need to grow. What virtues are we lacking? Are we kind, patient, gracious, fun, calm, attentive, hard working, loving, affectionate, and generous? I know I’m not, and yet the word of God calls me to this for his glory, my good, and the good of those around me.

Without the word of God we cannot build, or rebuild our homes, into happy, healthy dwelling places.

Keep Jesus at The Center

It is a mistake commonly made today when children become the center of the home. Where schedules and priorities revolve around their interests and desires. It is equally as dangerous when the home revolves around the father or the mother. You see, even though I believe that my husband is the head of our home, and that we work together to lead our children well, there is one Lord over all things, including our home. Jesus must be the center of our home, or we are making someone or something else the priority. What does this mean?

For Jesus to be the center of our homes means that the priorities and pursuits, and the rhythms and rituals, of our homes are done in light of his presence and worthiness. It means that for me, as a wife and mother, I am not only serving my family, but my God, in what I do.

Practically speaking we keep Jesus at the center of our homes when we keep him at the center of our own lives. When we are submitting to his word, following his ways, and seeking his glory.

Home is the true wife’s kingdom. There, first of all places, she must be strong and beautiful. She may touch life outside in many ways, if she can do it without slighting the duties that are hers within her own doors. These are hers, and no other one’s.
- JR. Miller

Looking to Jesus,

Written by Jen Thorn

Posted by Kachi


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