Why Does God Put Up With Us?

You surely don't think much of God's wonderful goodness or of his patience and willingness to put up with you. Don't you know that the reason God is good to you is because he wants you to turn to him? (Romans 2:4 CEVDCUS06)

Why does God put up with my attitude,my disdain,my unrighteousness,my sinful ways and my disregard of Him?

The Bible says: You surely don't think much of God's wonderful goodness or of his patience and willingness to put up with you. Don't you know that the reason God is good to you is because he wants you to turn to him? (Romans 2:4 CEVDCUS06)

This verse tells us the reason why God is good to us. God wants to lead us to repentance. He sent the best that heaven has to offer: His only son Jesus yet we still do not surrender our lives to this wonderful God?

What more do we want from God?He has redeemed our soul from destruction,He has given us a chance at eternal life and He did this through His only son. He answers our prayers,blesses our families, protects us,provides for us,cries with us when we are down,strengthens us when we are weak,loves us despite our unrighteousness,fights our battles for us and even when we die, He gives us eternal rest right beside Him . So what more do we want?

We never consider or stop to think about how wonderful and good our God is to us. We should because i don't know any King or President or any great personality that can put up with all the stuff we dish at our God and still see it fit to show us love. We as humans are so shocked and furious at how a man can murder another human being. We even wish more than death upon these horrible people yet we are not even the creator of the person that was murdered Or even the murderer. So how do you think our Creator would feel.? Yet He is willing to be good to even a man who has killed so many people of God as in the case of Paul.
His goodness led Paul to repentance. How many of us would even allow Paul into our country talk more of our city or house. 

We need to think more about Gods goodness. No parent can be as good,as forgiving and as willing to be there for you as much as our God and our parents love us a whole lot. We need to ask ourselves why God puts up with me? Why is He patient with me? Why does He forgive me when i ask for forgiveness? Why does he answer my prayers? Why does He fight my battles even when i am ashamed to stand for Him? Why does He love me? Why does want me in Heaven beside Him? Why does He refuse to give up on me? 

You know like every exam, God can afford to let the devil test you and wait for you to pass the test and then give you your heavenly trophy but the kind of God we serve will walk with you through every test in your life if you let Him. He will pick you up when you have fallen, strengthen you when you are weak , fight your battles for you, wipe your tears and still give you something to smile about.

So lets grab Gods hands with our whole being; hands,legs,teeth,hair (that is if your hair is long enough) and all and let Him lead us to repentance as we rest in His Love.

I Love you Lord!

Written by Kachi


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