Hopeful Mondays

“Luke 5:5-11”

“Master,” Simon answered, “we have worked hard all night long and have not caught a thing. But if you tell me to, I will let the nets down.” (Luke 5:5 CEVDCUS06)

“Peter would know about Mondays.
Well, he would have known how you feel on Mondays. In our Luke 5 passage of Scripture, he’s just come home after working an all-nighter, and he’s tired. Add to that the fact that he has nothing to show for his labor and you could say he’s short on funds and maybe shorter on patience. The last thing he wants to do is turn the boat around and head back out. But in this passage, that’s exactly what Jesus asks him to do.
“Master, we worked all night and caught nothing, but if you say so, I’ll lower the nets,” he says to Jesus, who is standing on the shore.
Thankfully, Peter had more discipline than optimism, because he ended up catching more than fish.
Do you feel like you are in Peter’s boat? Is your week ahead looking more like a shallow lake than a sea of opportunity? Are you heading back to the same job, the same boss, the same staff, knowing that what lies ahead is much of the same? Well, do what Peter did. Try the other side of the boat. Try a different approach, a different style. And as you cast your line of work into the week, take a backward glance at the shore to see Jesus grinning at today’s success.
Let’s turn the boat around and catch the week by surprise, shall we?

Excerpt From: Peña, Jimmy. “PrayFit.” Regal From Gospel Light. 

Posted by Kachi


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