
Showing posts from June, 2015

I Am Blind Like That

I Am Blind Like That I believe in God. He is my sovereign, the Almighty, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, my God. I follow the edicts and commandments of God to the best of my ability. If God says this is ugly, then to me it is ugly, if He says this is good then I agree that it's good, if God says this is beautiful, then I say it is beautiful, if God says this is dirty no matter how clean it is to me, I say it is dirty too. If God says it is then it is. No more, No less. If God says its 30%  dark, even if my brain says it's 40% and I can see a lot of light ,I still say No it's 30%. I have no higher thoughts than God. No matter how smart I think I am,how logical or how creative, I bow to the one who knows it all.  Yes I may not know all about God but I know He is a good God and He loves me so that's enough for me. Besides if I knew everything about God then what makes Him God? I don't need to ask or to question God because how smart are humans anyway? We are...

Grand Entrance Into Heaven

HOW TO GET A GRAND ENTRANCE INTO HEAVEN. 2Peter 1:3-11. The bible says that God has given us everything we need for a godly life. He has given us great and precious promises, these promises enable us to share His divine nature and escape the world's corruption caused by human desires. It admonishes us to make every effort to respond to these promises of God.  How?: -Have faith in Christ,  -Supplement your faith with a generous amount of moral knowledge,  - Knowledge with self-control - Self-control with patient-endurance - Patient-endurance with godliness,  - Godliness with brotherly affection,  - Brotherly affection with love for everyone.   The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. The bible warns that, if you fail to develop in this way, you will be short-sighted and blind (spiritually), you will forget that you have been cleansed from your old sins (you will be tormented with guilt...

All Access Pass to Gods Banquet

All Access Pass to Gods Banquet Every Home has it's rules. In some homes, you will be asked leave your shoes at the entrance door as one of rules. Well in Psalm 15, God tells us His requirements to be a guest at His table. We all want to be allowed to eat at Gods table, we want full clearance, all access, we even want to have permanent seats or permanent rooms. Here are Gods requirements: Psalms 15:1-5  Who may stay in God's temple or live on the holy mountain of the Lord? ( requirements for staying in Gods temple or living on His mountain) Only those who obey God and do as they should.( walk uprightly, always doing the right thing).   They speak the truth and don't spread gossip; (no lies, deceit, cheating,falsehoods) They treat others fairly and don't say cruel things.(no insults, no discouraging,no criticizing, no pulling people down, putting them at their level or in their place) They hate worthless people, but show respect for all who worship the Lord. ( we delight...

5 Tips to Success in Everything You Do

5 Tips to Success in Everything You Do Let the bible  give you it's 5 tips to being happy and successful in everything you do! We have a lot of self help tips to being successful, to being productive, to being rich. I don't have anything against self help books but sometimes some self help tips encourage things completely against Gods commandment. Some teach you how to be selfish, be more self absorbed, more manipulative while the bible teaches us to be selfless, to love and sacrifice. A popular book I would note is " POWER" Well the bible's 5 tips for success in everything you do is all in Psalm 1.  1) Happy are those who reject the advice of evil people. 2) Happy are those who do not follow the example of sinners. 3) Happy are those who do not join those who sneer at God and have no use for God. 4) Happy are those who find joy in obeying the Law of The Lord. 5) Happy are those who think and chew on the scripture ( word of God) day and night. The bible gives us a...

Questions For God?

If You Have a Question For God In the story of Job, in the midst of Jobs sufferings, he constantly complains that he did not deserve his sufferings. He says in Job 31:35 " if God has something against me let Him speak up and put in writing" When God finally answers in Chap 39. God did not explain anything to Job. He makes it clear to Job that He owes him no explanation so think about this next time you want to ask God He asks Job in 39:" have you been there when mountain goats and deer give birth?", how long are they pregnant before they deliver? Did you give the horses strength and flowing hair? Did you teach hawks to fly south for the winter? Did you train eagles to build their nests on rocky cliffs?  ( so next time you think you are just too smart. Think again) God asks Job  in Chap 40:8" are you trying to prove that you are innocent by accusing me of injustice?"  ( people do this all the time, they say after all I have done for God, for the chu...