Questions For God?
If You Have a Question For God
In the story of Job, in the midst of Jobs sufferings, he constantly complains that he did not deserve his sufferings. He says in Job 31:35 " if God has something against me let Him speak up and put in writing"
When God finally answers in Chap 39. God did not explain anything to Job. He makes it clear to Job that He owes him no explanation so think about this next time you want to ask God
He asks Job in 39:" have you been there when mountain goats and deer give birth?", how long are they pregnant before they deliver? Did you give the horses strength and flowing hair? Did you teach hawks to fly south for the winter? Did you train eagles to build their nests on rocky cliffs?
( so next time you think you are just too smart. Think again)
God asks Job in Chap 40:8" are you trying to prove that you are innocent by accusing me of injustice?"
( people do this all the time, they say after all I have done for God, for the church, after all my prayers, after all my sacrifice)
God asks Job " do you have a powerful and thundering voice like mine? If so, surround yourself with glory and majesty, show your furious anger" ( the point here is this: if you think you are more sensible, more powerful, more successful than God, then think again because you can't do a tiny bit of what God can do. But if you think you can get into the ring with God or drill Him with questions then try some of these things in chapter 40)
God tells Job I created you and the Hippo. Look at how magnificent the hippo is. I made it more powerful than any other creature,it eats grass while other animals play nearby..his skeleton is made of steel, he is the most magnificent of all my creatures but I lead him around like a lamb. there is no way to capture the hippo. Chap 40
(So if the hippo as strong and powerful as he is still eats grass and is a gentle animal you better think hard next time you feel too proud or try to abuse whatever power you have)
The hippo cannot be a pet yet he is a docile animal. I think we should dwell on this. We can be powerful, knowledgeable, successful yet humble. We can be spiritually strong but still not a slave to the world and all its lures. We can do it. Why? because just as God leads the Hippo around like a lamb, He can lead you too.
Written by Kachi
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