All Access Pass to Gods Banquet
All Access Pass to Gods Banquet
Every Home has it's rules. In some homes, you will be asked leave your shoes at the entrance door as one of rules.
Well in Psalm 15, God tells us His requirements to be a guest at His table. We all want to be allowed to eat at Gods table, we want full clearance, all access, we even want to have permanent seats or permanent rooms. Here are Gods requirements:
Psalms 15:1-5
Who may stay in God's temple or live on the holy mountain of the Lord? ( requirements for staying in Gods temple or living on His mountain)
Only those who obey God and do as they should.( walk uprightly, always doing the right thing).
They speak the truth and don't spread gossip; (no lies, deceit, cheating,falsehoods)
They treat others fairly and don't say cruel things.(no insults, no discouraging,no criticizing, no pulling people down, putting them at their level or in their place)
They hate worthless people, but show respect for all who worship the Lord. ( we delight in spending time with people who have hearts for God, good Godly friends,staying away from people who have no heart for God)
They keep their promises, no matter what the cost. ( they honor their words, they have integrity,they are not quick to make promises because they have to honor it)
They lend their money without charging interest, and they don't take bribes to hurt the innocent.
Those who do these things will always stand firm.
Written by Kachi
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