As a child of God where should my focus be? What is my mission here? According to the bible our no. 1 rule is to "LOVE GOD" and to "LOVE MY NEIGHBORS ".
God is love, love is everything, for in love there is joy, peace, gentleness, patience, kindness, faith, hope, perseverance, tolerance, forgiveness, truthfulness, etc.
When we love God righteousness and holiness fall into place naturally, it becomes our nature. But it's a different outcome when we are being distracted by the devil. Our focus shifts from loving God to satisfying ourselves.
The devil is desperate! The devil is running out of time! Anything or anyone could be used to distract you. From the television to the internet to hunger, poverty, family conflicts, spiritual warfare, ignorance, confusion, sickness, and so many more devices. So your daily focus changes from "How can I love God better today? " to "How can I solve my problems?" The first question interprets that you love God while the second interprets that you love yourself. It is not bad to love yourself neither is it unimportant but loving God should be top on the list.
When you are being distracted by the devil, your life is centered around you but when your focus is on God there's more meaning to your life, you love God so you are sensitive to things, thoughts and actions that would grieve the spirit of God (hurt God), So you do the right things always, you flee from sin, from wickedness, from evilness.
The Gospel is a message of Love, so if your focus is not on God and His loving nature where do you derive your own message from?
Even in God's anger, He still loves us so why shouldn't we always love Him back?
Don't be deceived, Don't be distracted, ignorance is not an excuse, ALWAYS LOVE GOD!
Ms' Lin.
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