Have You Died to Your Flesh?

In every human, one of these two must rule your life, your flesh or your spirit. As a child of God, the spirit of God dwells within you so when you're being led by the spirit that dwells within you, you're in the right, but as an unbeliever, being led by either your flesh or spirit leaves you at a loss. You need to step into the light, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and live as you have been called to.
To die to the flesh means to continually resist the powerful demands of our weak flesh. It means to starve/deny your flesh of its carnal desires.
This is a difficult task but the scriptue says, "not by power nor by might, but by my spirit says the Lord". (Zechariah 4:7)
St. Paul wrote that if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the spirit, you put to death the deeds of the body (the flesh), you will live, for all who are led by the spirit are sons of God. (Romans 8:13-14)
There's a general believe that we will be happier when we gratify our flesh but we must remember daily that all we are dying to is death, eternal condemnation, lust, sexual immorality, covetousness, evil desires, etc. Anything or action you know is not adding value to your life should be cut off.
Examine yourself, are there activities you participate in that add no value to your spirituality?  Your flesh may deceive you to believe it is fun but genuinely ask yourself if this "fun" activity adds to your spiritual growth and that of your neighbour (friend, family) or if it has no value to your spirituality.
Jesus Christ commands us to watch and pray, for there is a way that seems right but leads to destruction. We need to be led by the spirit at all times, remain alert, pray always, walk by our faith in Jesus's words, choose life everyday by dying everyday.

Written by Linda


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