Then Jacob gave him some bread and some of the soup. He ate and drank and then got up and left. That was all Esau cared about his rights as the first-born son. (Genesis 25:34 GNT)

One of the best examples of the danger of instant gratification is this familiar Bible story. Esau was hungry after a long day of hunting, and he couldn't wait for dinner. He smelled Jacob's stew and he had to have itÑrght away! Jacob seized the advantage and demanded Esau's birthright in exchange for that single bowl of stew. Esau couldn't control his craving long enough to resist Jacob's trap, and he fell right into it. He lost the birthright and Jacob became the father of the nation of Israel.

This is a great story to share with our kids because it illustrates the danger of grabbing satisfaction today at the expense of a much greater tomorrow. Help your kids see how instant gratification can have negative eternal consequences.

Credit: parentingbydesign

Written by Kachi


  1. I am an adult though but can relate to this because even in pursuit of etenal life we need to give up some pleasures of today thereby mortifying our flesh and bringing it to subjection as in the Book of Thessolonians


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