For a more inept understanding,the word 'Ostentatious' is substituted for the word 'Pretence'.Ostentatious as a word means 'characterized by pretentious or showy display'.
An accurate analysis cannot be given as to how prominent pretensions acts were during the time of our Christian Fathers but we need not be told my the three wise men that Christianity of today is plague with ostentatious acts...Religious leaders are guilty,politicians are guilty,teachers are guilty, you are guilty and so am I.
Matt 6:1- 'Be careful not to do your acts of righteousness before men to be seen by them'.Here Jesus warns us of how good deeds may be done but polluted with pretence.
The Giver of all good things prescribes the best method in Matt 6:2- So when you give to the needy,do not announce it with trumpets like the hypocrites do in the synagogue and on the streets to be honored by men'.
Our same Jesus who saw the need to go into the garden and pray says in Matt 6:5- 'And when you pray,do not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men...'
Furthermore,our Lord who fasted for 40days & 40nights questions our fasting in comparison to his.Matt 6:16-17-' When you fast do not look sober as the hypocrites do for they disfigure their faces to show men that they are fasting...'
In summary,a pretentious life is just mere publicity stunts.Jesus highlights the 3 cardinal works of Jewish religious life namely; charity,prayer and fasting.Jesus sought not to checkmate this works but invites us to check the intention that motivates such works.
It's true that we wear jewelry to supplement our attires or to get compliments but do we wear them to bed? That's our public life in contrast to our spiritual life which is to be private.In Luke 16:15-'You are the one who justify yourself in the eyes of others but God knows your heart.What people value is detestable in God's sight'.
Do we raise out voice in God's temple to impress others? Do we pray aloud to portray a vibrant spiritual life? Do we engage in alms giving to receive praise from onlookers? Do we care for the sick to advertise our human feelings to the public? Does pretence have a place in our Christian faith? All we have are only earthly rewards and God says that where your treasure is,there your heart will be also (Matt 6:21)

Written by Nedd


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