Christians Do Good

 I had a very interesting conversation with a friend, some time in the past and what he said struck me, he said "our good deeds on this earth elevates our heavenly status." At that time I asked myself "How did I not know this?"
After thinking thoroughly I realised that I did know it but then I didn't hold on to it. This lead me to study my bible on "goodness" and I realised the following:
        In Paul's letter to titus he told him (titus) that people must learn to spend time doing good in order to provide for real needs, they should not live useless lives. Also 2thessalonians 3:13 says you must not get tired of doing good.
        In our society today, I must admit, it sometimes is difficult to do good. When doing good gets you into trouble or even endangers your life and that of your loved ones. We make comments like, "once beaten, twice shy! Never again!...." We decide never to help again, but, we must never forget that our God is a good God, no matter what we do He remains the same to us, Good! As children of God we should learn from Gods unending goodness to always do good too.
        Let us hold on to what paul told the people of Thessalonica. He wrote to them saying "you must not get tired of doing good." Paul knew the importance of doing good, that was why he used the word "Must", Peter then makes us to know that if we endure suffering when we have done right God will bless us for it.(1st peter2:20). Hebrews 13:16 says "Do not forget to do good and to help one another, because, these are sacrifices that please God. 1Peter 2:15 says God wants you to silence the ignorant talk of foolish people by the good you do.
        I hope this encourages you to never get tired or give up on doing good deeds.

*please read: 2peter 1:3-11.

Written By Linda


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