Women spend billions of money on beauty each year Beauty products factories are getting richer, while people consume drugs worth billions of dollars annually just to keep fit!
Yet, the principal element of glamour which is cheaper than a liptick, more powerful than a blow dryer and as vital to our wellbeing as your next breath is neglected daily.

This neglected beauty and health product given freely by nature to man is exercise! Carrying out regular exercises, not only increase energy muscle tone , bone strength, cardiovascular endurance, ling capacity, flexibility, circulation and metabolism, exercise decreases body fat, blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Exercising and keeping fit can also reduce depression. It is an anti-depressant and improves mood and stimulates the production of endorphins in the brain, which gives feeling of wellbeing to you.

The exercise will help you with better sleeping.But ensure you do not exert yourself before going to bed because medically, experts say that it is necessary to avoid doing exercise at least three hours before going to the bed.
New findings also indicate that exercise enhances creativity. So when you are sometimes dry and not inspired, get into exercise to resume the creative system.
Regular exercises and physical activity have been confirmed to reverse the effects of aging and increase life expectancy.For each hour you invest in exercise, you gain an extra two or more in longevity.

 Just as physical activity can prevent early death so constant and regular spiritual activity such as fasting, praise & worship, joining the evangelism unit of your local church, visiting hospitals or orphanages, daily meditation exercises on the Word of God learning to hear the voice of God regularly etc can prolong your level of grace and anointing.

There are times trials and temptations are exercises allowed by God to train your spiritual muscles and tone.( Heb 12:11), 1Timothy 4:7 sums it all that despite the great advantages of physical and mental exercises, “Exercise thyself rather to godliness.”
That means strive to keep it spiritually! Note: Take good care of your body! It is the only place you have to live in on this planet, then make sure that your outside is a good reflection of the inside of you! Shine your inside! Dignify your outside! Peace!


-Thousands died last night! Thank God for the gift of life.
-Repent from any laxity or dryness Cancel regrets!
-Any arrow of spiritual death sent into my life and ministry burn in Jesus name. Pray any     other prayer point(s) now!
Note: Do regular physical and spiritual exercises. Keep your life busy

Written by Uju (Stella)


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