Are You Ready For The End?
Luke 22…
This week as I read the verses through the lens of “Loving Like Jesus” I first noticed that Jesus, even though He knew Judas would be the one to betray Him, must have treated Judas the same as all the other disciples because we see in verse 23 that after Jesus said one of them would betray Him
“they began to question among themselves which of them it might be who would do this.”
I also noticed it was Judas who went to the chief priests and officers of the temple guard to betray Jesus and make a deal with them…..all for money. For those of you who have felt “sold-out” or betrayed by a close friend, just realize Jesus understands what you are going through…..He was betrayed, too.
In the beginning of this week’s passage, my heart goes out to Jesus. Here He is trying to tell the disciples that He is the Passover Lamb…that it’s His blood that is going to be poured out for them and what do they do? They get in an argument over who is the greatest! Oh my! After spending 3 years with Jesus they still haven’t gotten that they are to serve rather than be served.
“…But I am among you as one who serves.” verse 27
Little did they know within a few hours all their “greatness” would be revealed as they feared for their lives and ran…..deserting Jesus. (Matt. 26:56)
Let me encourage you with this….if you want to be “great” in the eyes of Jesus, do what He did…..serve others. We are most like Jesus when we serve those God has placed in our lives. The disciples didn’t understand this truth at first, but we don’t have to make that mistake. No job in God’s Kingdom is more important than the other….we all need each other and in order to be the Body of Christ, we all need to serve each other.
Let’s Talk: Share a story about someone serving you and how their act(s) of service has changed your life!
This week be intentional and thank someone who regularly serves you. Write a note to a family member, bring a surprise “Thank You” treat to that co-worker who always seems to have a helping hand and encouraging word. Give a gift card to the woman who always stays late after Sunday school to help clean up or to the friend who always seems to be there to leading a helping hand just when you need it.
Credit: Angela (Good Morning Girls)
Posted by Kachi
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