Of these three things, faith, hope and love, the greatest is love.
                  What is Love?
Love is everything good. It is the whole essence of our being, it is sacrifice, selflessness, it can never be over-emphasised.
     Love is patient, it makes you stay calm and accept delays, it makes you pay attention to every little detail, you put in all of your effort to achieve this, you persist, you persevere, you endure.
     Love is kind, you care, you are helpful, honest, peaceful, gentle, obedient, respectful.
     Love is eternal, you don't stop loving, you never give up, you love completely, you are just, you are impartial, you are wise.
     In love there is no jealousy or conceit or pride, you are not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable, you don't keep a record of wrongs, you don't support evil, you don't judge, you're not quarrelsome, you don't act lust fully, you're not over-ambitious or immoral, you are not bitter, or greedy, you expect nothing in return for showing love.
     To love is to obey the whole law, if you love someone you'd never intentionally do them any wrong.
          Who deserves to be Loved?
Everyone! For we were all made in the image and likeness of God.
     I challenge everyone reading this today to genuinely show love to everyone you come across as you go about your daily activities.
                Food For Thought.
* Love is the measure by which our Lord judges all things.
* God is love!
* Where there's obedience there is virtue, where         there is virtue there is good, where there is good there is love, where there is love, there is God and where there is God, there is paradise.
                                                            - Padre pio.
1Corinthians 13,
Ephesians 3:14-21,
Romans 13:8-10.

Written by: Linda .O.


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