You Are Judged By Your Actions.

Scripture Reading: John 13:17
"If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them". You are judged not by your intentions but actions. You may have a heart of gold, full of wisdom of God but this goodness cannot be known unless actions emanating from such thoughts are known by people. A thousand words may not leave so lasting an impression as a simple action displayed. Let your good intentions be followed by appropriate actions, because if you do not do it, then it means you do not believe in what you have in your mind. No wonder St.John says in our reference today that blessed are you when you put to practice (action) these things that you know.
Believers often undermine action with the excuse that they are praying. In praying they refuse to put their faith into action. Most believers speak of what is the right thing to do but never find time to practice it. Hear St.James, "Whoever knows what is right to do and fails to do it, for him, it is sin" (James 4:17).  You are going to be remembered not by the untapped ideas that you have hidden inside of you but with those ideas you put into visible action. To think of a thing in your heart without a visible corresponding physical impression, in terms of action, amounts to nothing.
According to a Welsh proverb, "There is no idleness without a thousand troubles". Satans number one target is not the active sinner but the inactive Christian. The English proverb says, "satan tempts some persons but the idle man tempts satan".
Beloved in Christ, do not keep your mind busy thinking of what is right, put those right into action. Actions subdue fear and keeps satan away from you. "Do not wait to be motivated. Take the bull by the horns until you have him screaming for mercy" (Michael Cadena).
Our Daily Strength.
Linda .O.


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