Abuse Of Grace.
For some, 'God understands'
while others say 'God is just being merciful'! The question before us today is,
"Has God changed from hating evil?" Those who do not understand
God will say, "Verily thou art a God that hideth thyself, O God of Israel,
the Saviour" (Isa 45:15). Hear God's reply, "I have not spoken
in secret, in a dark place of the earth ...I the lord speak righteousness, I
declare things that are right" (Isa 45:19). Because God is always the
same (Hebrews 13:8), it means that our God is righteous and forever declares right
Deuteronomy 22:19 tells us
that God forbade divorce and Sex-
Before- Marriage (Fornication). We see clearly, how much God upholds the
sacredness of virginity in Deuteronomy 22:21. God said if a virgin consented to
losing her virginity by not resisting or exposing the evil man, "...the
men of her town (should) stone her to death" (Deuteronomy 22:24).
Meaning that child, youth or adult sex, even between friends is unacceptable. Put
another way, at the time, God inputted death sentence on adultery, fornication,
or rape committed by man or woman, boy or girl to show how grievous they are to
God, and to use them as examples for us (1Corinthians 10:11). But today these
sexual sins have become normal in society. We call it 'Mistake', 'Affair', 'Making
love', or simply 'sex'; just to decorate sin!
Moreover, many people believe
that the God of the Old Testament is different from the God of the New
Testament. Under the new covenant however, the death clause is only postponed,
not removed: to give room for repentance- This is Grace for
you! This dispensation of grace is not an excuse to indulge the flesh in
sexual pleasures. David paid the price for immorality, for even after God
forgave him (sparing him from death penalty) he still had to suffer all the
punishments God pronounced (2 Sam 12:10-14).
Hear Blessed James Alberione.
"Let the spirit live in you and control your inner being: the mind, the
heart and the will. Serious sins send out the Holy spirit from the soul; venial
sins which we commit rather often and with our open eyes, hinder the action of
the Holy spirit in us and as a result we no longer walk in holiness."
Culled From:
Daily Strength Devotional.
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Wonderful post..Ms'Lin