If God Asks You?

If God asked me to sacrifice my child, the way He asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.. I'm not sure what I would say but I know i will do my best to dodge the instruction. What would you do and How would you feel?

"The most amazing thing about God is that He won't ever ask you to do that. He didn't ask Abraham and He won't ask it of you" that's because God did it for us. He took His one and only son and laid him down for us. And Jesus went to the cross willingly out if love for you and me.

The question I need us to ask ourselves is " what is in your life that you need to lay down? It's not your son- that's already been done which is of course the highest thing possible , so maybe it's your talent or your time or your treasure. 

If you woke up today and you are breathing, Gods greatest purpose for you is still ahead. In Deuteronomy God tells us that He has set before us life and death, blessings and curses. "Now choose life" is the message of the Bible.

"What do you know about tomorrow? How can you be so sure about your life? It is nothing more than mist that appears for only a little while before it disappears. You should say, “If the Lord lets us live, we will do these things.” (James 4:14, 15 CEVDCUS06)

We all have one chance to let our lives be a sacrifice for God.

Let's start today

Written by Kachi

Reference: unlocked by Karen kings bury


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