What does the birth of Christ mean to you?

What does the birth of Christ mean to you? Do you know that long before Christ was born, the Israelites had sinned and sinned against God that God was silent for 400 years just before Jesus. There were no prophets, no miracles, no visions, just complete silence. With the birth of Jesus. God broke that 400 year silence .

Despite the many crimes the people of Israel had committed against God, he had gotten angry over and over again and he became silent but he had not forgotten them. He had a bigger plan to redeem his disobedient, sinful, disrespectful children and not with oil or water of 1000 cows or 5000 lambs but with himself , his son Jesus.

Can that be your response as a parent to a child that constantly vexes you, annoys you, disrespects you, disobeys you? Would we not have given up, disowned and abandoned the child to his/ her fate?

But God chose to overwhelm us with his mercy and that breakthrough began with the birth of Jesus.

It teaches us to be patient and wait on God, he never forgets us. He might seem silent as we wait on him for whatever but be hopeful and patient. He has a bigger plan that will overwhelm you.

The day Jesus was born, hope was born.
The day Jesus was born, grace was born
The day Jesus was born, miracles began again
The day Jesus was born, devil became afraid 
The day Jesus was born, eternity in heaven became possible
The day Jesus was born, peace was born
The day Jesus was born, change began
The day Jesus was born, death became afraid 
I could go on and on!

Even the wise men who were more or less like our great scientists today knew that something changed the day Jesus was born. It wasn't just an ordinary day. 

I can smile, hope, live, have peace, die happy, have abundance not because I am rich or I am wise but because Jesus was born. 

I'm happy I wasn't born during the period of Gods silence before the birth of Jesus but after the birth of Christ,the birth of hope,the birth of grace because he is the reason why the devil can't deal with me no matter how the devil tries. When I lack, I call Jesus, something happens, when I'm sad, I call his Jesus, when I'm down , I call Jesus, when it seems hopeless, I call Jesus. He is the reason I have all I have, all I am , all that's good. It's all about Jesus!

Written by Kachi


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