What Does a New Year Mean to You?

I think this is a question that we should not take for granted. If you are reading this means that you made it into 2015. That's awesome and congrats while thanking God who deserves all the glory.

That we have made it into a new year is just by Gods grace and mercy. Nothing more, nothing less . We are not better, prettier, more righteous than the people who did not make it into this new year.

A new year is a new opportunity, a new beginning,a new chance that God has given us all to get it right, to change, to become who he wants us to be, to repent, to redirect our steps, to correct our ways.

The people who have passed have no more opportunities,no more chances, no more anything. All they were and ever could be is in the grave. Their story is finished. How many of them would reject a few seconds, few minutes to change their ways and correct their mistakes ?

We still have that opportunity. A new year is an awesome  chance to become a more dedicated child of God, to improve on your relationship with God, to revitalize and improve your prayer life, to study the word of God more, to be more of what God wants you to be, to climb higher on your spiritual ladder and shed old fleshly habits, sins,grudges, unforgiveness, friends and relationships that hinder your spiritual growth. 

Let us draw up a plan of action and begin to change and utilize this new opportunity God has given us to His glory.

Let us lay our willing hearts before God and ask Him to redeem us, convict us, lead us, change us, mold us, build us, guide us,enlarge us and keep us from all evil that we may cause no pain.

Written by Kachi
Happy New Year


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