Be Wise As a Serpent!

Be Wise As a Serpent!

“Jesus said also to the people, “When you see a cloud coming up in the west, at once you say that it is going to rain—and it does. And when you feel the south wind blowing, you say that it is going to get hot—and it does. Hypocrites! You can look at the earth and the sky and predict the weather; why, then, don't you know the meaning of this present time? Luke‬ ‭12:54-56‬ ‭GNT‬‬

Clouds show us that rain or a storm is coming and then we begin to prepare. When we do not respond to signs and signals that God shows us. We loose out, things seem as if they have gotten out of control and we begin to wonder about the goodness of God. 

It is Gods business to show us signs, it is our business to respond effectively.

Jesus said that there will be signs to show his second coming.““Be careful not to let yourselves become occupied with too much feasting and drinking and with the worries of this life, or that Day may suddenly catch you”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭21:34‬ ‭GNT‬‬

Though Jesus is talking about his second coming, we can relate this to our everyday life. When our hearts are too busy or we choose to ignore signs and signals in our environment then the day will come upon us unawares. When we respond effectively to signs and signals, we succeed in turning things which could have worked out for evil for us to an eternal weight of glory.

A popular African proverb notes that "It takes more wisdom to live in a house than to build a house". This means that it is easy to receive a blessing but it takes more wisdom to keep it. People celebrate their wedding day with all joy and glamour then 6 years later the marriage is nowhere. There is so much joy at the birth of baby but it is also these joyous gifts that may grow up to become theives, prostitutes and a big shame. Maintaining a house is a daily affair, we sweep, clean, patch cracked walls, change dead bulbs, repaint dirty walls and so many other chores.

When a child is still young, God continues through the child to show the parents that the child still needs protection. However, when the child grows and comes of age,God then allows the child to assume responsibility and to decode signs and signals.

God told Adam to keep the garden. We need to keep our own gardens. The garden of our marriages, of our homes, of our spiritual lives, of our physical bodies. When we see any signs of weeds creeping up, let us be wise and tackle them.

When we are alert. We will begin to see that before things show up in our environment, we woukd have tackled them in the spirit with prayer. If we pick up things early and pray for them, God will be in control.

Jesus tells us “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Writteb by Kachi


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