December! The Revelation Month!

December! The Revelation Month

December to me is a month of gratitude! Not because i have not been grateful to God throughout the year but because December is like the end of another long journey. It is an "Oh I Thank You Lord Month!

December to me is like a race with hurdles and i have crossed all the hurdles and the finish line is right before me.

December is like a mountain climbing experience where i am just a step away from cresting the mountain.

December is the last chapter in a book,the book of revelations in the bible. 

December is revelation month! A month where we look back and realize that there were a great deal of suprises this year. Some good, some bad! It is a month that  reveals to us our physical ,mental and spiritual growth. I look back and i realize that i am still standing by Gods grace. Unshaken! Unmoved! Not because the devil did not try but because Our God is Faithful!. Not because i have been faithful,good or deserving but because Our God is too awesome for words. Our God mighty in battle is ever on the throne.

I am thankful because though December is an end, it also ushers in a new begining 2017. That you are reading this means that God has not given up on you! It means God is still saying " Wait, lets give her/him a chance". It means God is reaching out to you! It means His grace still abounds! It means He is willing to rewrite your story! It means He is willing to change our situation.

As we wait upon God to finish all He has begun this year,let us trust and put our hope in Him because the bible says " they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings like eagles, they shall run and no grow weary, they shall walk and shall not faint" Isaiah 40:31

My prayer is that God will teach us to wait upon Him so that we shall run the race of 2017 with strength and grace for His love's sake. Amen

Written by Kachi


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