Courage to Confront ( from Daniel 4)

At this, Daniel, who is also called Belteshazzar, was so alarmed that he could not say anything. The king said to him, “Belteshazzar, don't let the dream and its message alarm you.” Belteshazzar replied, “Your Majesty, I wish that the dream and its explanation applied to your enemies and not to you. (Daniel 4:19 GNB

It took great courage for Daniel to stand up to the king because he could have been killed for telling the truth. Daniel stood up to the king and confronted him about his sin. Confrontations are not easy for many people. In fact, most people fall into two extremes when it comes to confronting those who are doing wrong. They’re either unwilling to confront, or their confrontation comes across as unloving.

There’s probably someone in your life you need to confront about their wrongdoing. Maybe it’s a person at work that claims Christ, but curses all the time, tells dirty jokes, or looks lustfully at women. Maybe it’s a kid at your school who goes to youth group, but parties on the weekend and cheats on their tests. Maybe it’s a friend who is full of spiritual talk, yet is verbally abusive to their family.

When you confront someone about their sin, don’t go to one of the two extremes, but instead prayerfully confront them. To do this, there are two things you should pray before you confront. The first is, “God, help me confront with the goal of restoration.” The second is, “God, help me confront with caution.”

As you finish reading and praying today, ask yourself: Who do I need to confront? How will I confront them in a prayerful way?


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