Standing Out not Blending in ( lessons from the story of Daniel 1)
Please read Daniel chapter 1 for better understanding
We live in a world that’s much like Daniel’s, where culture is trying to train our minds to think, behave, and believe like the rest of the world. It trains us to lower our standards. However, you can’t live passively as a follower of Christ in today’s world. You need to take a stand like Daniel did.
The world calls you to blend in. Daniel and his friends could have blended in with the rest of the young Israelites, but if they had done so, nothing historic would have happened. God can and will use you like Daniel, but only if you take a stand and stand out from the rest of the world. Those who have the courage to stand out inspire others. Why spend your life trying to fit in when you were born to stand out? Wouldn’t you rather be remembered for standing out than forgotten for blending in?
Daniel didn’t go before the king begging and pleading with him to spare his life, but rather he stood before the king with boldness and confidence. Daniel had full confidence in God’s ability, and knew that He could do anything, even interpret the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar.
When you take a stand for God, do so with boldness and confidence. No matter how difficult the situation is, don’t let your fears guide you. Instead, let your confidence in God guide you to take a stand. God will never let you down when you take a stand for Him, even in the darkest of situations.
Boldness is behavior born out of belief. It’s a belief that God is who He says He is. Next time you take a stand for God, do so with boldness. Your boldness will be a light into the world. It’s time to stand out.
As you finish reading and praying today, ask yourself: How am I guilty of trying to blend in? What’s one way I need to take a stand for my faith in Christ? How and when will I do it?
Written by Craig Groeschel
Posted by Kachi
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