The Submissive Bride

The submissive bride:We are the bride of Christ.

What does it mean to be submissive? It means to always be willing to obey someone. The bible tells us that wives MUST submit to their husbands so that your conduct would win over your husband to believe in Christ.

A few weeks back, on my way home from work, I got into a bus and just as the vehicle was about to move a woman started preaching, she didn't exactly have any topic or focus area, but among the many things she said I got this; "we are the bride of Christ and we must be submissive." it got me thinking, the bible says wives must be submissive and husbands must love their wives, Christ obviously loves me but am I doing enough as a bride of Christ? We all as Christians make up "The Bride" so perhaps I'm one of the fingers or one of the arms that make up "The Bride" am I functioning properly on the bride or am I a broken arm or an infected finger (the effects of sin) that needs to be replaced or cut off?

Submission to Christ can never be over emphasised, that's the only way we can make it in this life, that's the only way we can gain eternal life. After all is said and done what's most important in our lives is Gods will for us, Gods will can not be done in your life if you are not willing to obey him. Are you ready to be the bride you were chosen to be? Are you ready to obey Christ's every instructions? Are you ready to accept Christ as your groom? As the love of your life? Receive Jesus today, believe in Him, trust and obey Him and above all things love Him. These days are not the days of compromise, we must stick to our faith no matter what! Jesus is coming soon, Bride of Christ will you be ready when He comes?


Please say this short prayer with me, "Dear Lord, I give myself to you, I believe in your only begotten son JesusChrist, I believe He died on the cross of Calvary to save me, I accept Him as my Lord and my saviour, I will love you Jesus, everyday of my life till you return to get me, I will wait in love, patience and faith, I will depend on your word, your mercy and your grace which I believe is sufficient for me. Jesus I trust in you, Jesus I love you, now and forevermore;Amen."


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