Thursday 24 November 2016

Make Trials a Gift

Make Your Trial A GIft

James 1:2-4

“Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.”

I do not know how to count a trial as a gift but the bible says we should consider trials a sheer gift not just any gift but a SHEER one! Sheer means nothing but. 
This means that our trials that should make us weep and ask "why me? is what we are to count as nothing but a gift.

I understand though that even though trials are difficult, it produces results that we may otherwise never see. Gods greatest concern is for the soul of Man. That was why He sent His only son and it is for this same reason that God asks us to consider trials as gifts. You can never get the true taste of a teabag except you steep it in hot water.

Trials make us realize who we really are. You may be suprised what you produce while facing one trial or the other. It makes us realize our helplessness and the need for Gods grace and mercy. 

We have all heard people claim " i can never do this", "its Impossible", " i know what i am capable of", " i know myself, i know my weaknesses" " i will never " e.t.c. Well all this is all talk until you pass you through the fire in that area.

‭‭Remember how Peter betrayed Jesus? When he realized what he had done to His Lord and Master, he was shocked at himself. The bible notes;

“Jesus said to Peter, “I tell you that before the rooster crows tonight, you will say three times that you do not know me.” Peter answered, “I will never say that, even if I have to die with you!” And all the other disciples said the same thing.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭26:34-35‬ ‭GNT‬‬

So you see Peter said He would rather die than deny Jesus! I believe Peter really believed it impossible for him to deny Jesus but He overestimated Himself. However Peter through this understood the need for grace! 

We Overestimate ourselves all the time but Trials show us who we really are and help us to see the need for Gods grace. 

Written By Kachi

Tuesday 22 November 2016

A Miracle that is Far From A Miracle.

A Miracle that is Far From A Miracle.

‭‭I Samuel‬ ‭24:6-7‬ 

In 1 Samuel 24,we read that Saul and his men were on a manhunt. They were searching for David to kill him because David was on the run. But something happens that seems like a miracle but really wasn't.

This man that is trying to kill David all of sudden comes to relieve himself at the mouth of the cave where David was hiding with his men. Coincidence? I don't think so!
David's Soldiers saw a perfect opportunity to get rid of their biggest problem Saul but David rejected their advice and said " God forbid I should stretch my hand against Gods anointed". 
I learn a lot about this situation. As far as the eye could see it was a perfect time, a perfect miracle! It seemed like God dropped Saul right into David's lap. God had already promised David the throne so David could have helped God speed up the process by killing Saul. However, David knew that even though this seemed like an opportunity to get rid of his biggest problem and take the throne by force, he would not be walking in Gods will.

We face such situations everyday but how many times do we put God first and ask if it's Gods will? Sometimes when we seek God in prayer desperately for a need,we start to believe it's okay to do anything to get what we need including sinning!

Imagine that we ask God for a job, a wonderful job interview comes up. We get chosen for the interview out of millions of applicants. In fact it's nothing short of a miracle! A bigger miracle than we have been believing God for! We are so excited! The end of all your financial woes is in sight! Joblessness has come to an end! But then you are asked to do something that is in direct disobedience to Gods will or else you would loose this perfect opportunity.
A lot of us will do the wrong thing because after all God answered your prayers but we forget that God does not need your help to bless you! What seemed like a miracle might actually be a test! I don't believe it's easy to make the right decision but I know that we need to trust God enough to make the right decision.

I pray that God would give all of us the grace and the strength to trust Him in these kinds of situations so that we will always walk in His will for us for His loves sake. Amen

Written by Kachi

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Like Me! Don't Like Me!

Like Me! Don't Like Me!

I need you to answer this question. Do you want every single person in the world to love you? Like every man, woman , child even animals just see you and love you!

I'm sure everyone wants that but I am sorry to disappoint you but ITS IMPOSSIBLE! Like ABSOLUTELY ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE!
We cannot please everyone but that doesn't matter but We can please God and that is where the true value is! We can never be blessed and fulfilled by being the most likable person on earth but We can be immensely blessed both on earth and in heaven by God!

The world tries to sell us that we need fame. We crave likes on our Instagram page, Facebook and all kinds of social media. We put up pictures and videos and wait for people to like. The more likes we get the more joyous we are! We seek approval from the world. We want the world to love us!. We keep wondering what people think about our hair, our car, our life, our kids!. Set yourself free!it really doesn't matter. Stop Wasting your Imagination!

The truth is, as Christians we shouldn't allow the world set our standards! We are created to be the light of the World and the salt of the earth!
How can we light up a world that we are practically begging to like us? It's not possible.

The more fixated we are on getting people to like us, the more deviated from our destinies we will be. We cannot be whatever God wants us to be because we are more focused on living for the approval of people instead of the approval of God.

Saul lost his kingship because he sought the approval of his people instead of the approval of God. The bible says in Hebrew 11:24
"By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. 25 He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. 26 He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. 27 By faith he left Egypt,not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible."

Stop Looking for people to like you! And focus on pleasing God!

Written by Kachi