Monday 26 January 2015

Confront Lovingly! Stand UP!

Confront Lovingly!

As Christians, we will always encounter situations where we need to guide someone or correct someone who is doing wrong.

Paul says we should do this GENTLY and HUMBLY.

Live creatively, friends. If someone falls into sin, forgivingly restore him, saving your critical comments for yourself. You might be needing forgiveness before the day’s out. Stoop down and reach out to those who are oppressed. Share their burdens, and so complete Christ’s law. If you think you are too good for that, you are badly deceived. (Galatians 6:1-3 MSG)

My friends, you are spiritual. So if someone is trapped in sin, you should gently lead that person back to the right path. But watch out, and don't be tempted yourself. (Galatians 6:1 CEVUK00)

A lot of Christians sometimes aim to correct but do it so wrongly that the person even becomes more hardened or vexed.We need to correct gently both in character, speech and approach.

The reason why we don't correct the right way most times is because we have the wrong motive. Sometimes we correct just to prove that the person is wrong, to show that we are more spiritual, to prove that we know better, to create awareness for ourselves. However, thé true purpose for correcting a person should be love. We should correct the person not to bring the person closer to you but closer to God.

If we are truly trying to serve God and be a good disciple then the aim should always be to help the person become closer to God. 

Some people try to correct another christian or individual and their approach is so wrong that they try to force their convictions and corrections down their throat.

We also have to be prayerful as we correct that we do it correctly and not become Prideful as we can start to see ourselves as more spiritual, more holy, more Godly. We might start to boast either in thoughts and speech of changing so and so person or leading so and so number of people to Christ. 

We must be careful and prayerful that you might not be tempted by the same thing you are trying to correct.

Let us emulate Daniel and Christ and correct lovingly. After Daniel had interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream,he went further to lovingly correct him by saying 

"Your Majesty, please be willing to do what I say. Turn from your sins and start living right; have mercy on those who are ill-treated. Then all will go well with you for a long time. (Daniel 4:27 CEVUK00). 

For me Daniel just set the correction formula. Now I can say " please listen to me. Don't do this or that and start doing the right thing that God may bless you...

Let us remember not to be judgemental, arrogant or hateful in our rebuke because when it comes right down to it, we are all sinners working with God towards getting it right and the sins of others is not really our business. It is Gods, we are here to help ourselves and others be better and lead them closer to God

Written by Kachi

Monday 19 January 2015

Reading Gods Word

Francis Chan says imagine you told your child - "Go clean your room."

Then your child walked away and returned and said: "I memorized what you said...I can say it in Greek! In fact, some of my friends are going to come over tonight and do a little study on what it would look like for me to clean my room!"

As parents we would not be pleased. Right?

In the same way, we can read God's word, study it, memorize it, look up the Greek meaning and even apply it to hypothetical situations. But all of this is a worthless ritual if we do not apply what we read in God's word to our daily lives.

As we study God's Word, may we remember to live it out every minute, every hour and every day.

James 1:22 says, "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."

Keep walking with the King. 

Written by Women Luving Well

Posted by Kachi

Friday 16 January 2015

What does the birth of Christ mean to you?

What does the birth of Christ mean to you? Do you know that long before Christ was born, the Israelites had sinned and sinned against God that God was silent for 400 years just before Jesus. There were no prophets, no miracles, no visions, just complete silence. With the birth of Jesus. God broke that 400 year silence .

Despite the many crimes the people of Israel had committed against God, he had gotten angry over and over again and he became silent but he had not forgotten them. He had a bigger plan to redeem his disobedient, sinful, disrespectful children and not with oil or water of 1000 cows or 5000 lambs but with himself , his son Jesus.

Can that be your response as a parent to a child that constantly vexes you, annoys you, disrespects you, disobeys you? Would we not have given up, disowned and abandoned the child to his/ her fate?

But God chose to overwhelm us with his mercy and that breakthrough began with the birth of Jesus.

It teaches us to be patient and wait on God, he never forgets us. He might seem silent as we wait on him for whatever but be hopeful and patient. He has a bigger plan that will overwhelm you.

The day Jesus was born, hope was born.
The day Jesus was born, grace was born
The day Jesus was born, miracles began again
The day Jesus was born, devil became afraid 
The day Jesus was born, eternity in heaven became possible
The day Jesus was born, peace was born
The day Jesus was born, change began
The day Jesus was born, death became afraid 
I could go on and on!

Even the wise men who were more or less like our great scientists today knew that something changed the day Jesus was born. It wasn't just an ordinary day. 

I can smile, hope, live, have peace, die happy, have abundance not because I am rich or I am wise but because Jesus was born. 

I'm happy I wasn't born during the period of Gods silence before the birth of Jesus but after the birth of Christ,the birth of hope,the birth of grace because he is the reason why the devil can't deal with me no matter how the devil tries. When I lack, I call Jesus, something happens, when I'm sad, I call his Jesus, when I'm down , I call Jesus, when it seems hopeless, I call Jesus. He is the reason I have all I have, all I am , all that's good. It's all about Jesus!

Written by Kachi

Wednesday 7 January 2015

What Does a New Year Mean to You?

I think this is a question that we should not take for granted. If you are reading this means that you made it into 2015. That's awesome and congrats while thanking God who deserves all the glory.

That we have made it into a new year is just by Gods grace and mercy. Nothing more, nothing less . We are not better, prettier, more righteous than the people who did not make it into this new year.

A new year is a new opportunity, a new beginning,a new chance that God has given us all to get it right, to change, to become who he wants us to be, to repent, to redirect our steps, to correct our ways.

The people who have passed have no more opportunities,no more chances, no more anything. All they were and ever could be is in the grave. Their story is finished. How many of them would reject a few seconds, few minutes to change their ways and correct their mistakes ?

We still have that opportunity. A new year is an awesome  chance to become a more dedicated child of God, to improve on your relationship with God, to revitalize and improve your prayer life, to study the word of God more, to be more of what God wants you to be, to climb higher on your spiritual ladder and shed old fleshly habits, sins,grudges, unforgiveness, friends and relationships that hinder your spiritual growth. 

Let us draw up a plan of action and begin to change and utilize this new opportunity God has given us to His glory.

Let us lay our willing hearts before God and ask Him to redeem us, convict us, lead us, change us, mold us, build us, guide us,enlarge us and keep us from all evil that we may cause no pain.

Written by Kachi
Happy New Year