
 How faithful are you to God? As faithful as He has been to you?

    In the book of Daniel as is written in the bible (Daniel 6:16) the king mentions twice that Daniel faithfully served God, amongst all of Daniels qualities what stood out to the king was Daniels faithfulness. He was faithful in both spiritual and natural things and because of that faithfulness, God preserved Daniel.

   God wants us all to be faithful spiritually, He also wants us to put ourselves in the position of increase by being faithful with the material things he's given us.

    I had been asking God for something and a few days back I got it, just the way  I had wanted it, now here's the twist, I got scared when I got it, instead of being thankful to God I started asking questions,anxiety set in, and I just wanted to run away from everything. I knew I was wrong, it wasn't that I wasn't thankful. As I sat meditating, it occurred to me that if I were as faithful as I should have been spiritually, I wouldn't have been this anxious. I asked God for forgiveness and promised to be faithful to Him henceforth.

   You can decide to become faithful today, because as a child of God you have inside of you, His very own force of faithfulness, strengthen that force today by meditating on the word. Read and study what it says on faithfulness. Become the kind of person God can trust to follow through, no matter the inconvenience.

 Please in what more ways can we be faithful to God, bible references on faithfulness will be helpful too, thank you!



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