
Holiness means separating yourself unto God, in reverence for Him.

"Nobody could be as holy as God is."

Have you ever heard people say that? It could be that you think that way. Well, if so, its time to change your thinking. If you're born again(and I hope you are), God has called you to be holy. That's your destiny, that's where you're headed. He(God) predestined us to be conformed to the image of His son(Jesus Christ). Now you are being called to walk out what you are on the inside. To be like the Father you have to give yourself to Him, its how much of yourself you give to God that determines how much of Himself He reveals to you and that's how you become a conformed image.

Being conformed to His image is a process, your spirit man has to be completely changed, in it should the Holy spirit dwell, but your soul-your mind, will and emotions- and your body are conformed to His image overtime.

You are on a journey. The bible says we are to reflect the glory of the Lord with uncovered faces; and that same glory, coming from the Lord, who is the spirit, transforms us into his likeness in an ever greater degree of glory(2nd Corinthians 3:18). As you look at Him in the word (the bible), you are changed by the Holy spirit into His image. If you are living disconnected from darkness, you will stand out and be distinguished.

Many people are born again, but hardly ever disconnect from their old life. They never spend enough time hearing from God, reading the word, praying or learning how to listen to the Holy spirit within them, as a result they never change on the outside.
But the change on the outside is what allows you to walk free, its when you change on the outside that you experience all that God provides for you when you are saved.

Now, that's how to walk in holiness!

Credit: Gloria Copeland

By: Linda .O.


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