Jesus Is Coming Soon!

Oh yes! He's been coming soon since I came to this world.....he's been coming soon since the bible days" you may say, true but then if we don't remind ourselves of His great return who will? I'm a love oriented christian,by this I mean, I do everything I do because I Love Him(Christ), not because of the day of rapture or any end time related fear, but recently I had a conversation with a friend who told me of the need to spread the news of His return, although I didn't agree with her initially,because I didn't think it was right to repent for the fear of judgement day,(I felt we should repent because God loves us and He sent His only son to die for us) after much thought and with the help of the bible passage she gave as a reference (Ezekiel 33:1-8) I have been made to understand that if we don't warn others to repent before He (Christ) comes, we'll be held responsible for their un -repentance. Also the Holy spirit reminded me of the story of Jonah who preached to the people of Nineveh to repent or face Gods destruction in forty days time, the people repented and were saved. I'm posting this for all those who were as ignorant as I was, we as believers should incessantly warn/remind ourselves and un believers of the judgement day because we love them and also in order not to be held responsible for their eternal death. May God help us all!!!!!

Written by:
Linda .O.


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