Repentance for Us and Our Loved Ones

God has called to be holy and righteous because without holiness no one can see God.

We are striving and making all efforts to live in ways that please God and we know we are not perfect so we are constantly dependent on Gods grace.

We know from Gods word that Jesus is coming for a perfect church without spot or wrinkle and that we are indeed in the last days.

We know that hell is real and in all this, all we want is to make heaven. We are striving to be ready.

How many sins are we holding on to because we find it difficult to let go?

The sin of unforgiveness: finding it difficult to forgive and forget. Everyone struggles with this. We tell ourselves we have but the relationship is not the same. Is that how God forgives us?

Calling His name in vain

Restitution: how many things have we taken without letting the owner know. The little things like "Ōᴼᵒн̣̣̣̝̇̇̇ its just paper", "Ōᴼᵒн̣̣̣̝̇̇̇ its just pefume..she won't mind " "or she forgot it here, why tell her?

These and so many others. We sin in ways we don't even know that why we need the spirit of discernment. We need the Holy Spirit

We know we need to keep on our toes spiritually and pray for God's grace so there is no room for I am not in the mood to that's why we worry,we need our loved ones to be as dedicated as we are and as determined to live Christlike. We see how they live their lives and we are hungry to see them change because hell is so real and you want all your loved ones to be saved.We want them to walk with us so we can sharpen our irons spiritually together.
Especially because we know the scripture says in James 4:5 "Don't think that there is no truth in the scripture that says, “The spirit that God placed in us is filled with fierce desires"

How do we do this?
How do we help them see the need for change?
How do we touch their lives in ways that would encourage them?
How do we convince them of the errors of their ways?

Even though they have to repent and accept Jesus into their lives and even though its a personal decision. Let us get down on our kneels and plead for the lives of our loved ones.
The bible says that the kings heart is in the heart of the Lord and as the rivers of water, He turns it where He pleases.

God says if we ask we shall receive, all we have to do is believe.

Let us pray that God would look with favor upon us and our loved ones and give us knowledge and understanding to know His ways. We pray that He shall fill us and our loved ones with the understanding that His spirit gives and that we may do what He wants and do what pleases Him Let God convict us all of all the errors in our lives and bring us to full repentance before Him.
What other ways do you suggest?

Written By Kachi


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