Make that decision now!!!

"Oh God, please....... Give me more faith.... Make me a better Christian ...take away this habit, help me walk in love, show me the way,....." How many times have you said a prayer like this? Everyone has including me, (last night to be precise, lol) but these prayers I realised are ineffective, you can pray all day long and all night and end up just as unchanged as you were when you started. Why? You may ask, you see, you can't go on and on praying for a change when you're not ready to change.

A quality decision is needed, a rock-solid decision, a deliberate act of your will, you need that "I'm not gonna look back" attitude to bring about the required change in your life, the best part of it all is that God is going to take over whatever the situation may be, once you make that decision, because you can't achieve anything with human strength.
Whatever the case maybe, whatever battle you're fighting, whatever habit you're trying to stop, whatever area you seek victory, make your quality decision now and don't look back!

By Linda .O.


  1. Linda, you are so right. After all faith without work too is nothing. I say that prayer too sometimes and I try to keep up oh I know I try but fall below expectation at time....but i know His grace is sufficient! Let's keep pushing forward in Christ people, He will always lift us up even when we fall.

  2. True words linda.... true words


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