God sees you differently

Scripture : Joshua 2: 1-.21

Rahab was one of the outstanding women in the Bible. She was a prostitute but one day, her story changed. She got the opportunity to help rescue some Israelites who had come to spy out the land of Jericho. As an appreciation, the spies told her that they would not destroy her family. Why did  Rahab do that? She was a woman of faith. She saw something in those Israelites that the other Canaanites did not see. She believed in their God. She believed that their God was greater and stronger and more merciful. She tapped into something that no one else tapped into and because of that, her destiny changed. Rahab went on to marry a Jewish man and became the great grand mother of king David and the ancestor of Jesus Christ. Remember, SHE WAS A PROSTITUTE.
GOD IS NOT IN THE BUSINESS OF WRITING PEOPLE OFF. He never gives up on people. No matter how bad you think you have lived your past, God sees you differently. No matter how useless others think you are, God sees the value in you and He believes that you are useful. Your time is coming. Don't write yourself off. Men labelled Rahab as outcast, prostitute, useless... but as far as God was concerned, she was a treasure. She believed she could be used by God to save those spies and she took a great risk. That risk turned out to be a life-saver and destiny-changer for her and her entire household. Just as He chose Rahab for His glory, God will use you for His glory and set you for greatness in ways that will cause your enemies to envy you. Shalom!


- Father, show me what You see in me. Help me to see myself the way You see in me. Help me see the treasures You've deposited in me.
- Devil, I am more valuable than what you think. I will not give in to your lies again. I will not live below my calling. I will live for God and glorify Him all my days.
- I break away from every ugly and negative things in my past. I will not be held bound any longer. My freedom has come in the name of Jesus

From Stella (Uju)


  1. God does not condemn anyone,just like Mary Magdalene in the New testament who was a prostitute. No matter how the world condemns you,God's grace is available to you. He loves us all.that's how awesome our God is.He can work with you if you choose. Our God is a great God


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